"Along the way it seems like someone overlooked the notion that a medical procedure is a most emotional thing to go through as human being. Devices are devoid of emotion. They’re scary. They have no look on their face. When you encounter an MRI or a mammography device, it doesn’t tell you you’re going to be ok or make you feel good about what may happen. It makes you wonder ‘am I going to die now?’ We wonder: why is that? Aren’t we in charge? Folks in design and our brothers and sisters in engineering should guide the direction these devices take."
— Bob Schwartz, general manager of global design at GE Healthcare, speaking at the recent Transform conference at Mayo Clinic and extolling the benefits of thoughtful design for healthcare products. Schwartz rounded off the session (a joint presentation with GE CMO, Beth Comstock) recounting the story of a little girl who emerged from being scanned in one of GE’s redesigned machines to ask her mother: “can I do it again?” Great.
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