November 17, 2011
Really extraordinary scenes here in New York, as Occupy Wall Street protesters gather and mobilize around the city. It’s amazing to see the enormous surge of activity and support, while I for one am still baffled that city officials seemed to think...

Really extraordinary scenes here in New York, as Occupy Wall Street protesters gather and mobilize around the city. It’s amazing to see the enormous surge of activity and support, while I for one am still baffled that city officials seemed to think that evicting Zuccotti Park protesters in the middle of the night wouldn’t provoke any kind of response. (Maybe they did and this is all part of the plan; but at the moment, public opinion sure isn’t with Mayor Bloomberg or the NYPD; the action seems to have invigorated and encouraged rather than dampened or halted.) Alexis Madrigal wrote an excellent piece in The Atlantic breaking down the meaning of #OWS, while longtime Radiohead artist, Stanley Donwood released this high resolution image as a free download for people to use as they like. He wrote:

As the mendacity of the One Per Cent continues, here is a small tool which you may download, blow up, paste, copy, pass on, and do whatever with. I’m not sure where the quote is from; I saw it on a poster at Occupy Sheffield last week, where they thought that the words were possibly from a former Prime Minister of Canada.

[Link via Mara Carlyle.]

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